AUBURN — Roland Jordan was born at home in Turner to Carroll and Elsie Bubier Jordan on May 25, 1939. He was raised on the family farm on North Parish Road. He attended Leavitt Area High School, graduating as class president in 1957. Roland participated in three sports each year of high school.

After graduation, he was employed at CF Chase Co. in Auburn and later joined the Navy in 1959. He was fortunate to spend most of his four years stationed on the USS Des Moines, flagship of the Mediterranean. He was privileged to tour much of Europe and even attended the Olympics in Rome. He was a plank owner for his last year on the USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy. He was aboard during the Cuban missile crisis in the fall of 1962. He married Martha Anderson from Auburn and Mechanic Falls on Oct. 13, 1961, between his ship tours, and they had two sons, Kevin and Bruce. After his ship tours, Roland worked for United Parcel Service for 35 years.

Roland was an avid hunter and the family grew up on deer meat and in the later years he had the opportunity to go to Montana elk hunting. After that experience, the preferred meat was elk. Roland was an avid snowmobiler and together with Martha led several trips to Montana and Yellowstone Park for other riders, and also to the Black Hills in South Dakota.

He did his civic duty serving on the Turner Board of Appeals for many years. He was also instrumental in the early years of Turner Youth Athletics, especially in baseball building on his experiences playing for the famous Turner Townies Baseball Team while coaching and fundraising for many years. He was active in the Turner Rod and Gun Club, past president of the Turner Ridge Riders Snowmobile club and a very active volunteer in the development of the Boofy Quimby Rec Center in North Turner.

After his boys were grown up, Roland dove head first into golf. His home course was Turner Highlands and favorite partners were “the seniors.” He also operated a golf repair shop at his home and frequently re-shafted clubs at night in the middle of a tournament because someone’s temper got the best of them. He loved the work and of course got a kick out of trying new-style clubs. He also built custom golf sets for many friends.

Probably Roland’s proudest moment was the suggestion of a National Jordan Family Reunion that became a reality. He was seen as the founder and first national president. He remained a leader in this organization until 2013. Reunions were held every three years in South Portland where early ancestors landed on American shores. Members came from all over the United States, England and Australia. His ultimate goal was to eventually have an archive building where previous family mementos could be stored and displayed for each generation to enjoy and understand the lives of past generations of the descendants of the Rev. Robert and Sarah Jordan.

Roland was predeceased by a sister, Faye Jordan Palmer; and his wife of 54 years, Martha Lynn Anderson Jordan.

He is survived by his son Kevin and wife, Anne, their children, Casey and Abbey; his son Bruce and wife, Kim, their children, Amanda and Degan; a sister, Vira McMannus Haywood, and many special nieces, nephews and friends.

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Roland Jordan

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