Sorting through clothing in preparation for the Culture of Compassion giveaway in Rumford on Saturday are, from left, Stormy Miller, Whitney Emerson, Ethny Blodgett and Laura Chesley.

RUMFORD — The sixth annual Culture of Compassion giveaway will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the DARE Field across from Aubuchon Hardware.

More than 60 volunteers with the Praise Assembly of God Church will offer free school supplies, gently used clothing and groceries for needy families in the River Valley.

There will be a registration table, a children’s zone, a health tent for dental education and blood pressure checks, a place for a free meal and groceries to take home.

There will be more than 200 backpacks available filled with school supplies.

The children’s area will feature the popular bounce house and a dunk tank.

Justin Thacker, pastor, said that this year Steve and Janet Raeburn, pastors of Big Blast Ministries, will present puppetry and balloon animals.


Weather permitting, the Royal Rangers will supply a 25-foot climbing wall for people to scale.

Donations to this effort can still be made by contacting the church at 364-3856 or come to the church at 89 Congress St. in Rumford.

Coordinator Brandie Ledesma said before last year’s event, “It’s a community event. It’s not all about Praise Assembly. We are the host. We organize it. But it’s the community coming together to provide for a need, show compassion. For us, it’s more than just a backpack or groceries. It’s about showing God’s love to people and helping them to realize the potential that they have.”

It will be held rain or shine.

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