100 years ago, 1917
An organization is to be formed here for the purpose of enlisting the people of Androscoggin county in the welfare work of the American and Allied armies as conducted by the Army Young Men’s Christian Association. The work of the Y. M. C. A. extends into every department of the Army and Navy service and whether the group be a company, battalion, regiment, brigade or division, the association is on hand and ready to serve the men. In the smaller camps, tents are pitched for the work. In the larger camps and cantonments, large buildings are erected while at the European battle fronts the dugout has to be used.

50 years ago, 1967
The City of Lewiston is running out of traffic tickets, it was reported Tuesday night at a police commission meeting at the city building. Upon hearing the report, the LPC voted to request a transfer of funds in the amount of $300 from a source other than the police department’s budget. Police Chief Joseph Farrand advised the commission the department has been using the tickets “faster than ever before,” and that there are no funds to purchase more.

25 years ago, 1992
The possibility that a sea urchin distribution business wants to move to Auburn has prompted the Planning Board to consider rezoning a property along Goldthwaite Road to industrial use at its meeting Tuesday. The rezoning would allow up to 10 lots on Goldthwaite Road to be opened for industrial expansion. The sea urchin company, which packages and distributes the urchins to foreign countries where the urchins are a delicacy, is considering using a vacant building once used by Carter Milling for chicken egg distribution, (Jim) McPhee (of the city’s planning department) said. Residents who live in the area could still be protected from detrimental heavy industry by the site review process. The building is slightly more than 3,000 square feet and sits on a lot of almost three acres, he said. New jobs would be created if the company moved to Auburn, but McPhee did not know how many.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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