WILTON — Recreation Director Frank Donald met Tuesday with selectpersons to discuss Recreation Committee recommendations for using a recently received $360,000 endowment.

The committee proposes putting $200,000 into a trust fund and spending $160,000 on four items. Only future interest on the fund would be used on projects.

The donor intended for the money to be used on youth programs sponsored by and facilities maintained by the Recreation Department.

The four priorities are replacing docks for the swim program at Kineowatha Park; playground equipment; replacing a Kineowatha Park building used as the skating rink warming shack/recreation director’s office; and a bathroom/changing room at Bass Park.

Selectpersons unanimously approved a down payment of $10,000 on new docks for the swimming area, requesting time to research trust fund interest rates before deciding how much to put in the trust fund. 

The docks are about 40 years old and have safety and accessibility issues, Donald said. Docks ordered after January would be more money, according to three companies contacted, he said.


The new docks selected are from E-Z Dock Company of Brunswick for $54,000. This includes a kayak-canoe launch that keeps the craft stable while a person gets on and off.

The committee suggests purchasing new playground equipment for Bishop Park in East Wilton and some equipment for toddlers at Kineowatha Park. There is playground equipment for ages 5-12 but little for younger children, Donald said. The committee is researching pieces, he said.

The committee proposes replacing the building at Kineowatha with one 24 by 24 feet or 24 by 30 feet, he said.

There are many skaters using the rink especially on weekends but the building does not have bathroom facilities or running water. A portable toilet was placed in the storage section seven years ago and storage is cramped, he said.

The committee proposes heating and bathroom facilities for the director and skaters, a separate office and larger storage areas.

At Bass Park, the playground equipment, new parking lot and gazebo have increased use of the park, he said. There is a portable bathroom facility and committee members would like to see a permanent one.

Nothing can be done until spring, leaving time for the committee to do more research on equipment and costs, he said.


Town of Wilton

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