DEAR SUN SPOTS: In regards to your column on Oct. 9, as much as I would love to take the credit for the crafter of the bracelets a reader was looking for, I cannot. I do make jewelry using natural stones, pearls, crystals, precious metals, etc., and teach classes on jewelry-making, but the bracelet your reader admired at the Clover Healthcare Craft Fair was not one of mine, as I had none with magnetic clasps that day. I hope you are able to connect the reader to the artist in question, but do appreciate the shout out, however unintentional it was!

— Lisa, 2 Blue Gems, no town

ANSWER: Thank you, Lisa, for speaking up! I called Clover Manor again and found that there was, indeed, another crafter at the fair that day selling bracelets with magnetic clasps. I contacted this crafter, Brenda Donahue of Hebron, who creates her bracelets using leather and incorporating antique pieces, silver, and beadwork. She does custom work as well and can be reached at 754-1669. The best time to call is between 3-7 p.m.

Brenda will be selling her bracelets at the upcoming ATV Craft Fair at Boofy Quimby Memorial Center at 96 Howes Corner Road in Turner on Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Sabattus is having their annual Christmas Fair on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10 and 11. We still have a couple of tables available if you are interested in displaying and selling your crafts. Call Angie at 754-1018. Thanks!

— C. J., no town


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I live at Schooner Estates Senior Living Community in Auburn and am the secretary of the Schooner Tenant Council. Our group is dedicated to keeping the seniors of Schooner Estates involved with bettering our community. One way we do this is by holding a craft fair every year as part of our efforts to raise money for Camp Sunshine.

As many of your readers probably know, Camp Sunshine is a retreat providing respite and support for children with life-threatening diseases and their families. It has been our tenants’ favorite charity for many years now, and we are proud to have raised thousands of dollars for it. This year, we are two tables short of filling our upcoming craft fair with vendors. We would like to put out a call to area crafters to buy one of these tables for $20 each, which will be donated in full to Camp Sunshine. The fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 21. Interested crafters should call 784-2900 and ask for Giselle. Thank you for your help, and for all you do for the community!

Jan, Auburn

ANSWER: Just the other day, a new crafter was asking me how she could get connected with the upcoming fair circuit. If you are a crafter, watch for these notes in Sun Spots and you will be all set. Requests for crafter participation in all the holiday fairs are coming in daily.

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