A big wind event slated to arrive here Sunday night into early Monday morning.

A tropical disturbance near Honduras and Nicaragua will be monitored in the coming days.

That storm may become Topical Storm Philippe as it surges north near the peninsula of Florida.

The tropical system will quickly get picked up by a trough over the eastern half of the United States.

The upper air pattern is set up in a way that tropical moisture from the system will expand and move rapidly north late in the weekend.

Tropical moisture will surge north arriving in New England Sunday evening and extending through Monday. Heaviest rain would probably arrive in northern New England early Monday morning.

The surface maps suggest a tight pressure gradient between the storm, and a strong high over the Canadian Maritimes. The result could be a period of damaging winds in Maine, and especially near the coast Monday morning.

At this point I have no problem with advertising the possibility of a quick hitting round of 50 to 65 mph gusts based on the current forecasts. That would be strong enough for damage and power outages.

The good news is Halloween is looking great this year. Let’s just hope we have power to turn that porch light on for trick or treaters.

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