After seeing an advertisement by the Micmac Indians that gave their approval to the state referendum Question 1, I had concerns about the content of the question. I then researched the proposal and was surprised by the way the profits from the slot machines were to be distributed.

The Indian nation will receive one percent of the profits. The harness racing industry will get 15 percent of the profits, broken down to 10 percent to supplement harness racing purses, three percent for the SIRE stakes fund and two percent for the fund to encourage Maine track racing. Beyond that, gambling addiction training is to get one percent, three percent for agricultural fair support, two percent to the University of Maine scholarship fund, 10 percent to the Department of Education, one percent to the community colleges, three percent tagged to reduce taxes, one percent for drug addiction training, one percent to the Department of Health and Welfare and one percent where the casino is located.

I don’t think the funds generated are being wisely distributed. Also, I feel the state cannot support three casinos. This one may create some jobs but there will be a decline at the other casinos, therefore, everyone will lose.

I strongly say “no” to referendum Question 1.

Joseph Breton, Sabattus

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