Sue Jones, right, leads the Witchy Women of Kingfield dancing to “Monster Mash” at Bangor Savings Bank in Farmington on Tuesday. The women and the staff of Healthy Community Coalition joined forces to raise awareness of breast cancer health services. (Ann Bryant, Franklin Journal)

Members of Witchy Women of Kingfield rehearse behind the Farmington post office before performing a flash dance for breast cancer health awareness Tuesday. From left are Abigail Howell, Diana White, Kat Lemieux, Sabrina Lopizzo, Susan Catino, Janis Walker, Cheryl Moody, Sue Jones and Kathy Lempert. Not pictured, Alice Yates. (Ann Bryant, Franklin Journal)

FARMINGTON — The Witchy Women of Kingfield gathered in downtown Farmington on Tuesday to bring attention to breast cancer health awareness.

The group was joined by staff from the Healthy Community Coalition for a flash dance to “Monster Mash,” at nearly a dozen businesses.

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Sue Jones, Farmington postmaster, gathered the group, sporting black and pink for breast cancer, for a rehearsal behind the post office before they ventured out at noon to perform on Main Street and at the local businesses.

“We band together on this last day of October to remind other women (and men) to be checked,” Jones said.


The Witchy Women planned to dance again on Maple Street in Kingfield late Tuesday afternoon as local children trick-or-treated.

Jones contacted the Healthy Community Coalition last year to suggest a flash dance to emphasize the importance of screening, Janis Walker, program manager, at the Healthy Community Coalition, said.

The health organization is funded through the Avon Breast Health Outreach Program to raise awareness and help women obtain breast health services, Walker said. “We can help them with mammograms and clinical exams. If they don’t have a primary care giver, we’ll help find one and help schedule mammograms,” she said.

The coalition also received a mini-grant from the American Society of Breast Cancer Surgeons this year for outreach and education, she said. It is a very competitive, national grant. 

“They want us to try some new outreach methods in Franklin County with the funding,” she said.

For more information about breast health services, contact Walker at 779-2750.


Members of Witchy Women of Kingfield rehearse behind the Farmington post office for a flash dance to “Monster Mash” to raise awareness of breast cancer health services. (Ann Bryant, Franklin Journal)

Sue Jones, right, leads the Witchy Women of Kingfield in a flash dance to “Monster Mash” on Main Street in Farmington on Tuesday. Wearing bright pink with their black outfits, the women banned together to remind women and men to be checked for breast cancer. (Ann Bryant, Franklin Journal)

The Witchy Women of Kingfield and the staff from Healthy Community Coalition perform a flash dance to “Monster Mash” in Farmington on Tuesday. The performance was to raise awareness of breast cancer health services. Their message: Don’t be scared, get a mammogram. (Ann Bryant, Franklin Journal)