CHESTERVILLE — Selectmen on Thursday considered implementing a fee for demolition debris at the transfer station.

“People are coming in week after week,” Selectman Edward Hastings IV said Thursday. “It’s gone beyond what was expected. Two roll-offs per week are being filled. It may be time to charge or limit it to one load per week.”

He said he had seen a truck with a Chesterville sticker bringing debris from out of town to the transfer station. While supportive of keeping properties clean, he doesn’t approve of paying for the tearing down of buildings.

One resident said charging fees could lead to items being dumped elsewhere.

Hastings suggested that transfer station attendant Robert Jones report to the board after tracking the volume of debris and those bringing it.

Selectman Ross Clair said he would like the board to have something ready by spring, but the board has to consider those on fixed incomes.


In other business, selectmen agreed to continue to meet twice a month, rather than weekly.

Board Chairman Tyler Jenness said selectmen had agreed to revisit an earlier decision to meet on the first and third Thursday. He thought the current schedule was working well.

Selectman Matt Welch supported returning to weekly meetings.

“There have only been two meetings since the change that we’ve had a full board here,” he said. “When we met weekly, everyone was here.” 

Board Vice Chairwoman Tiffany Estabrook said the weekly meetings allowed more opportunity for communication.

Clair said most towns meet every other week. If needed, such as during budget considerations, more meetings could be called.


Jenness said the staff had built an efficient system for the meetings.

“I would rather be here an hour weekly than three hours every other week,” Estabrook said.

Hastings said voters “knew the selectmen had other jobs when they voted us in.”

November has five Thursdays. Clair said going three weeks between meetings was too long and the board could meet on the last Thursday.

Estabrook said meeting every other week would resolve that. Jenness said the board would meet the first, third and fifth Thursdays in November.

Also on Thursday, Planning Board member Bruce Verrill asked for clarification on reviewing the town’s ordinances. He has served continually on the board since 1974. About a year later, Greg Soule and Bob Leso were appointed.


“The three of us have worked on every ordinance since then,” Verrill said. “The Planning Board felt we should come to you. Do you want recommendations? If your idea is to make things bare bones, we can change things.” 

Welch said the board wanted to simplify things, such as the permitting process. Hastings said the town has rules or ordinances dating back to 1910. It may be easier to determine a sunset date rather than researching them all.

Verrill said it appeared the town, not the state, had created the regulations in question. The Planning Board can make changes, then bring them to the selectmen and voters for approval.

Chesterville selectmen took no action on their meeting schedule Thursday night. They discussed the amount of demolition debris at the transfer station and talked about reviewing local ordinances. The selectmen, pictured during an earlier meeting, from left, are Matt Welch, Ross Clair, Chairman Tyler Jenness, Vice Chairman Tiffany Estabrook and Edward Hastings IV. (File photo)