GARDINER — The Open Book Players will present “Tilbury Town Chronicles…A Random Meander Through Gardiner’s Past” on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. and
Sunday, Dec. 3, at 2 p.m. at Johnson Hall. 

This production is a compilation of historical facts interwoven with some “theatrical” fiction narrated by a witty (and ageless) Gardiner resident, Titus Toomey, played by Jay Barnett. Toomey takes us back in time with the help of a talented local cast, including Ginger Smith, Cindy Turcotte, Rita Moran, Richard Bostwick, Andy Tolman, Arthur Bourget, Bob Giroux, and Connie LaFlamme. 

There will also be a special guest cameo appearance by Gardiner’s mayor, Thom Harnett.

The production is directed by Lucy Rioux, artistic director for Open Book Players. Tickets are $8 for general admission and $5 for students and seniors, and may be ordered by calling Johnson Hall at 582-7144 or online at

The Open Book Players, form left, Rita Moran, Ginger Smith, Jay Barnett, Richard Bostwick, Andy Tolman, Arthur Bourget, Connie LaFlamme, Cindy Turcotte and Bob Giroux.