According to, the 20 top recipients of gun lobby money are all Republicans (and, yes, I did fact check that). Does that make anyone question why Congress cannot get any laws or policies passed to prohibit assault rifles, bump stocks and other guns that should only be used in military situations and not the general public?

The first recipient on the list and the person receiving the most money from the gun lobby is Donald Trump, with a total of $901,868. No wonder he doesn’t want stricter gun laws. The next person on the list is Ted Cruz, receiving $360,727. Next on the list is Marco Rubio with a total of $176,030 and then Paul Ryan with $171,977.

Ron Johnson ($165,408), Rand Paul ($165,498), Ben Carson ($116,934) and others round out the top 20: Pat Toomey, Ryan Zinke, Martha McSally, Todd Young, Joe Heck, Rob Portman, Kelly Ayotte, Mia Love, Chuck Grassley, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Kevin McCarthy and Scott Walker.

Recently, 26 people were killed while they were in church on a Sunday morning, and the message from President Trump was “our thoughts and prayers are with you.”

Just how does that help the grieving families when we all know that all 20 of those Republicans are never going to pass any gun laws that protect the American public?

Virginia Starbird, Leeds