FARMINGTON — In an effort to give back to the community, the University of Maine at Farmington Mitchell Scholars Club donated ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal to Western Maine Homeless Outreach.

Donated were three turkeys, stuffing, vegetables and three pies.

The food made its way to the Farmington shelter Monday by Brittany Wakefield, club secretary and UMF senior from Rumford, Michaela Carney, co-chairman and a junior from Richmond, and Sean Brock, a junior from Mars Hill who does public relations for the club.

“We want to do a community service project twice a year and create more of a sense of community within the group,” Carney said. 

The club’s goal was to raise $100 for the dinner in a short period of time, and students were pleased when scholars, students, faculty and UMF President Kathryn Foster pitched in to raise nearly $200, said Wakefield.

The students organized a fundraising table in Olsen Student Center. For each person who donated, a colorful paper handprint was added to a large Thanksgiving card, also given to the shelter.


“These are our helping hands,” Carney said.

Notice of the meal for the homeless shelter was shared on Facebook and other social media, Brock said. It helped with the project and provided information about the shelter, he said.

After shopping for items to feed 16 to 25 people, the three donated leftover money to Alyson Livernois, shelter coordinator, so she could purchase whatever the residents need, said Wakefield.

Club members offered to either cook the meal or donate the ingredients, she said. The shelter felt cooking for itself would provide residents with “more of a community feeling,” she said.

The 16-bed facility is now open during the day because of the cold, Livernois said.

Workshops and programs are offered to residents days over the winter hours, she said. 


Along with the turkeys and fixings, members also provided a tablecloth, appetizers and gourds, small pumpkins and candy for centerpieces.

“It feels good to give,” Carney said.

The Mitchell Scholarship Program, founded by Sen. George J. Mitchell in 1995, awards scholarships each year to graduating high school students.

There are 33 at UMF, according to a statement from the university.

Sean Brock, Brittany Wakefield and Michaela Carney, members of the University of Maine at Farmington’s Mitchell Scholars Club, put the final touches on a large card for Western Maine Homeless Outreach. The club raised nearly $200 in a short period to provide the shelter with ingredients for a Thanksgiving dinner. (Ann Bryant/Franklin Journal) 

University of Maine at Farmington Mitchell Scholars Club members, from left, Brittany Wakefield, Sean Brock and Michaela Carney deliver ingredients for a Thanksgiving dinner to Western Maine Homeless Outreach on Monday. Alyson Livernois, right, is the shelter’s coordinator. (Ann Bryant/Franklin Journal)

Turkey, stuffing and all the fixings were delivered to Western Maine Homeless Outreach Monday by three members of the University of Maine at Farmington’s Mitchell Scholars Club. Pictured from left are Michaela Carney, Alyson Livernois, shelter coordinator, Brittany Wakefield and Sean Brock. (Ann Bryant, Franklin Journal)

University of Maine at Farmington Mitchell Scholars Club members donate a Thanksgiving dinner to Western Maine Homeless Outreach on Monday. Extra funding and a large card naming the helping hands who donated was given to Alyson Livernois, shelter coordinator. From left are Livernois, shelter coordinator, and members Michaela Carney, Brittany Wakefield and Sean Brock. (Ann Bryant/Franklin Journal)