RANGELEY — The Rangeley Friends of the Arts has been sponsoring the annual “Walk to Bethlehem” celebration for 40 years. This year it will be held on Sunday, Dec. 10. 
The event, which recreates Mary’s and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, will begin at the Rangeley Inn at 5:30 p.m., with the reading of Caesar Augustus’ decree that all people must return to the city of their birth.
Everyone is invited to join the “Walk,” led by community members costumed as nativity figures, as the procession meanders through the snowy streets of the village of Rangeley, stopping at the different downtown churches for a carol.
When the walkers reach the Church of the Good Shepherd, they will be treated to a family-oriented Christmas presentation of music, dance and drama. The program begins at approximately 6 p.m. 
The finale, a traditional nativity pageant, features local young people and community members in full costumes. At the conclusion of the event, everyone is invited to share in the holiday spirit at the reception held downstairs in the Undercroft.
The event is free to the public; at-will donations are accepted. To donate food for the reception, contact Linda Sikes at lsikes@bmcfirst.com.

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