Farwell Elementary School Principal Amanda Winslow reaches for Emma Deflumere’s hand before crossing Farwell Street on their way to school Monday morning. Winslow and special education teacher Jane Williams are the Monday morning Walking School Bus crew, who leave the school a little before 8 a.m. and pick up students in the neighborhood who want to walk to school. Deflumere, a kindergarten student, said she likes to take the Walking School Bus because “you get to walk with friends.” (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Hunter Walker keeps his frequent walker card on his backpack. The kindergarten student at Farwell Elementary School in Lewiston gets a sticker each day he walks to school. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Farwell Elementary School Principal Amanda Winslow, right, and special education teacher Jane Williams stop to let Ridley Bourgoin put her mittens on while walking to school on Monday. The third-grader was the first of four students that Winslow and Williams picked up in the Walking School Bus program. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Farwell Elementary School Principal Amanda Winslow, left, and special education teacher Jane Williams, right, walk with Ridley Bourgoin, second from left, Hunter Walker, third from left, and Myles Walker to pick up their final walker of the morning Monday in the Walking School Bus program. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Farwell Elementary School Principal Amanda Winslow encourages kindergarten student Hunter Walker, 6, to join the Walking School Bus program in Lewiston on Monday morning. Winslow and special education teacher Jane Williams, second from right, are the Monday morning crew, picking up students in the neighborhood who want to walk to school. From left are Hunter Walker, Winslow, Myles Walker, Williams and Ridley Bourgoin. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)