DEAR SUN SPOTS: Had he lived, Jimi Hendrix would have turned 75 on Nov. 27. I’m a music writer based in Manchester, England, and I’m putting together a “people’s history” of Jimi Hendrix, telling his story in the words of fans who saw him in concert. I’m looking to hear from anyone who saw his March 16, 1968, performance at the Lewiston Armory and who’d be willing to share their memories. I can be reached at

—Richard, Manchester, U.K.

ANSWER: “Excuse me while I kiss the sky!” I’m really excited to see where this request from England leads! How many of you attended this extremely loud concert at the armory and witnessed Jimi playing his guitar with his teeth, behind his back, then destroying it as a finale? If you were there to witness “The Experience” perform, I beg you to respond to Richard. If you don’t use email, write to Sun Spots in care of the Sun Journal and I will get your letters to him myself! Wouldn’t it be fun to be quoted in this writer’s book?

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Help brighten the life of a child and be an answer to a Christmas prayer. We are now accepting new toys and games at Hope Haven Gospel Mission for distribution to needy families with children on Friday, Dec. 15, and on Christmas day. We are located at 209 Lincoln St. in Lewiston. Give us a call at 783-6086 for more information. Thank you and have a Merry Christmas.

—Pastor John, Executive Director, Hope Haven

ANSWER: Hope Haven Gospel Mission provides a Christ-centered environment that strives to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the lost, lonely and left-behind in the L-A community by providing food, shelter and hope. I encourage you to keep this organization in mind when you are choosing an organization to donate to this holiday season. Your thoughtfulness could make a child’s eyes light up with joy on Christmas morning.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: Writers needed! The newly formed Writers’ Group will meet at A.B. Ricker Memorial Library in Poland, on Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 3 p.m. The group is small and newcomers and beginning writers are welcome. For more information, call library Director Joanne Messer at the library at 998-4390.

—Claire, no town

ANSWER: I’m always so happy to see another writers’ group coming together. It can be a lonely profession. Getting together with other writers, no matter what the genre, can offer much support and inspiration. If you’re a writer, check out your local library. If they don’t have a writers’ group, you may want to think about getting the ball rolling yourself!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like to know more about the yarn that was available in the Nov. 10 Sun Spots. To the reader who was looking to donate it, please call me at 312-0758. Thank you.

—Carla, no town

ANSWER: The person who wrote in from Minot was looking to donate her mother’s yarn and knitting items to an organization or group. Hopefully she reads Sun Spots today and sees that you’re interested if she hasn’t found a home for these items yet.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to photo

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