Dixfield Discount Fuel presented 200 toys and children’s clothing to families of Meroby Elementary School in Mexico on Monday. From left, front, are Brady McDonald, 6, and Griffin Houghton, 7; back, Meroby Principal Kim Fuller and Dixfield Discount Fuel employees Melissa McDonald and Katie Houghton. (Bruce Farrin/Rumford Falls Times)

MEXICO — Children’s clothing and 200 toys were handed out to parents for Christmas gifts Monday at Meroby Elementary School.

The gifts were from a drive held by Dixfield Discount Fuel.

“It’s overwhelming what we’ve gotten,” office manager Katie Houghton said. “It’s triple what we did last year. The power of social media.”

There were also new drop-off sites in in Rumford, Mexico and Dixfield this year.

Houghton and employee Melissa McDonald were assisted by a school custodian in unloading the items. The women shared the experience with their children, Brady McDonald, 6, and Griffin Houghton, 7.


Meroby Elementary School Principal Kim Fuller said she appreciates all the community support the school has received this year. Understanding the challenges some local families face around this time of year, she said the donation will mean that the “kiddos can have a Merry Christmas.”

Houghton said 240 toys and $400 in cash were donated. The business bought $200 worth of boots and sneakers. The cash paid for outfits for children.

Fuller sent forms home with children, asking for clothing needs. She said outfits were given out on a first come, first served basis.

Houghton said the drive was so successful they had enough toys for 30 students at the Pennacook School in Rumford.

She said prior toy drives included donating to the Rumford and Dirigo elementary schools.
