HALLOWELL — The Gaslight Theater will hold auditions for its first production of the year, an evening of one acts. 

Auditions will be at 5 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 7, and Tuesday, Jan. 9, at Hallowell City Hall.

The first one act is “Lottery” by Shirley Jackson will need many actors of all ages. This unusual play with its shattering last scene was published originally as a story in The New Yorker. This dramatization starts as people are assembling for the lottery. What family will it be this time? Which member? Only gradually does the audience begin to suspect the nature of the lottery as the play builds swiftly to its crucial and moving climax. 

“Sonata for Armadillos” by Jon Tuttle will need three actors, two male and one female. It’s been a hot day for three lovable, young adults on the Dallas-bound Greyhound bus. Walton wants to be a Cowboy, Nella wants a cowboy, and Stymie’s on the run from Stymiem — and just might outrun him. By the end of this laughter-filled and touching trip comes sublimity, companionship and forgiveness.

Travis Burnham will direct “Lottery” and George Dunn will direct “Sonata for Armadillos.” The show dates will be Fridays to Sundays, March 2 to 4 and 9 to 11.

For more information, contact 207-626-3698.