LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen on Tuesday approved more than $6,000 worth of change orders for the fire station renovation.

Construction began last fall, and so far $416,727 had been spent, with $303,272 still available.

One of the changes is replacing a hollow metal door with a new one for $5,000.

Another is reinforcing bearing plates for the metal bar joists supporting the roof, Fire Chief Edward Hastings IV said.

A power outlet and data connection are need for the computer program, which allows department personnel and Androscoggin County Dispatch to see who is responding to a fire call.

Another change is applying a sealer to the concrete floor to keep out moisture. Hastings estimated it would cost about $1,470.


Selectman Tom Barker said whatever is used, “it’s got to be something that will keep the salt out of the concrete.”

Selectmen debated whether it would be better to install a different type of flooring that wouldn’t require the sealer. However, the flooring material is already on site.

“The things we’ve done to that building, it’s going to extend the life of that building by at least another 50 years,” interim Town Manager Stephen J. Gould said.

Gould said the windows in the Town Office are leaking, a problem magnified by the heavy rains last week.

“I’ve noticed the windows in the Town Office, I thought it was an optical illusion, but I put my hand on it and it’s wet,” he said.

“Is it leaking, or is it condensation?” Selectman Rodney Heikkinen asked.


Gould it was a leak and water was running down the windows. He said they need to be caulked this summer to seal them.

Gould said Road Foreman Bill Nichols had looked at the location of a football training sled on the town recreational field and whether it would be in the way of snowmobilers using a trail there. Nichols didn’t think it would hinder them but was concerned about the picnic tables around the field that are partially buried in snow.

The local snowmobile club was advised, and will put up flags to mark the tables,  Gould said.

In other business, the board:

• Put out a request for a new representative on the RSU 73 board of directors to succeed Laurie Sanborn who resigned. Selectmen will appoint a director to serve the remainder of Sanborn’s term that ends June 30. Interested persons can call the Town Office at 897-3321; and

• Set Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 6:30 p.m. for the next selectmen meeting.

Livermore Falls Town Office. (File photo)