WILTON — 2018 is a special year for the First Congregational Church, UCC, as it celebrates its 200th anniversary. Celebratory events will occur throughout the year.

The church was established on Thursday, Feb. 19, 1818, by eight people — five men and three women, assisted by the Rev. Jotham Sewall, ancestor of Wilton’s late Calvin Sewall. Communion was administered on Feb. 22.

Tentative plans for celebration are:

Sunday, Feb. 11: Pilgrim Lodge celebration.

Friday, Feb. 16: Church reunion supper with piano entertainment by Alan Hutchinson.

Saturday, March 17: Public corned beef and cabbage supper with Sandy River Ramblers.


Friday, April 13: “Back to the Past,” Ravioli with the Reverend, and historical skit.

Saturday, May 19: Birthday Bash Supper with former pastors.

Sunday, May 20: Former pastors participating in worship.

Sunday, June 10: Barbecue at lake with entertainment.

Sunday, July 15: “The Bible in One Hour” skit.

Friday and Saturday, Aug. 3 and 4: Blueberry Festival float in parade.


Sunday, Aug. 5: Ecumenical worship.

Sunday, Sept. 16: South Strong Road Crew, Jazz Festival, at 6 p.m.

September, date to be announced: Outdoor Worship with Living Water UCC Association.

Saturday, Oct. 27: Halloween party for kids.

Sunday, Nov. 11: Morning special collection of food or money for Wilton Food Pantry, evening service honoring veterans.

December, date to be announced: Northfield Singers.

More information will be available nearer each event. Everyone is welcome; it is not necessary to be a member of the church.

The First Congregational Church has held worship services and community events, and it has provided mission work within the community. It is a place of fellowship, inspiration and guidance.