DEAR SUN SPOTS: It’s time for the citizens of Poland to step forward to serve on town boards and committees. Nomination papers have been available since Jan. 11 in the Town Office. Any qualified voter of Poland may be nominated for election to the following:

Board of Selectpersons: two positions for three years

Library Trustee: one position for three years and one for one year

RSU 16 director: two positions for three years and one for one year

Budget Committee member: two positions for three years

Nomination papers must be filed on or before 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23, at the Town Office. The town clerk will provide more information when you pick up papers. You must obtain signatures of a certain number of qualified voters. If you are shy about going door-to-door to get signatures, remember you can always meet everyone at the dump. Just be sure the signer is a qualified (registered) voter. Good luck. It’s your turn to serve!


Thank you to Sun Spots!

— Town of Poland

ANSWER: I can attest to the fact that every town in Maine needs willing, energetic folks to serve their communities. This can be a very gratifying way to spend your time!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Do you have the name of a place that picks up cardboard or where we can dispose of it with or without a fee?

— No name, no town

ANSWER: You don’t say what municipality you live in, but recycling centers in Maine all receive cardboard as well as many other recyclable materials. If you need more specifics, call your town or city hall. They will let you know how to get a sticker for your vehicle, if needed, and give you information about pickup, if available.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: What would we do without Sun Spots? Your column is a joy to read. You have gotten the word out that I collect tabs for Ronald McDonald House in Portland.

Let me share with your readers how this started. About 10 years ago I saw one of my husband’s former Auburn Little League players walking from Maine Medical Center on Brackett Street in Portland. I asked him why he was there and he told me his son was a patient at the hospital. The father was staying at the Ronald McDonald House at little or no cost. I stopped there and learned about collecting tabs. I let Sun Spots know and voila, your readers jumped aboard. In fact, Taber’s Golf participated last summer and I made several trips to Portland with lots of tabs. Thanks so much!

— Mary Ann, no town

ANSWER: It means so much to me to know that Sun Spots is making a bit of a difference in the world!

This past fall, my newborn granddaughter was in the NICU at Maine Medical Center and I don’t know how we would have managed without the availability of Ronald McDonald House. My daughter and son-in-law stayed there several nights and I was with them there one night. It was very comfortable and the people were so kind.

Mary Ann, please keep us informed on where we can bring our tabs in the L-A area and what organizations are participating. Thank you for your note!

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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