I live on a street with great kids running around and adults helping each other, pushing a snow blower up my driveway or handing out huge chunks of moose meat.

Donald Trump lives in a neighborhood (the world) where just 30 percent of people interviewed by Gallup in 134 countries approve of American leadership — a 20-point drop since Barack Obama’s final year in office. The U.S. should nurture its alliances, which have helped guarantee peace and economic prosperity for many countries since World War II.

That is real, not the “fake news” that Trump tweets petulantly when he doesn’t like reading facts such as his own historically low popularity at home.

Some other real news:

• Trump is a plagiarist, calling the press the “enemy of the people.” Who said that first? Josef Stalin.

• He has divided the people with racist comments, giving folks like that loathsome town manager in Jackman room to spew white nationalist venom.


• A senior Republican senator from Tennessee called the White House an “adult day care center.”

• By attacking the FBI, Trump chips away at the foundations of law enforcement and justice in a free society.

There’s so much more.

It is my opinion that Donald Trump is the worst president in U.S. history. Liberal, conservative or somewhere in between, people should be alarmed and angry at a shallow egotist who owes his personality cult status to a silly reality TV show.

America is better than that.

Dave Griffiths, Mechanic Falls