LISBON FALLS — The Sunshine Hill Neighbors Seniors and the Lisbon Parks and Recreation Department are offering two overnight trips and a Red Sox day trip for 2018. All trips are open to any age group.

The first trip is to Quebec City, Montreal and Ottawa from June 17 to 22. Attractions will include Notre Dame Basilica, Parliament Hill and the underground city. Guided tours of Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa are included along with a cruise on the St. Lawrence River. A passport is required. Cost of the trip is $765 per person for double occupancy. A $75 deposit is required to hold a seat.

The second trip is a seven-day cruise to Cuba out of Miami on board the Empress of the Sea on Oct. 25 to Nov 1. The trip will include travel to the Bahamas, Haiti and Havana and back to Miami. Prices start at $988 a person double occupancy for an interior cabin and $1,228 per person double occupancy for ocean view rooms. Deposit of $300 is due with reservations and final payment due by June 15. Passports are also required for this trip. Not included is the price are flights to Miami.

Tickets and transportation for the Red Sox versus Toronto Blue Jays on Wednesday, May 30, are available. There are two seat location, both protected from the sun and inclement weather. The first selection is Reserved Pavilion 13, located under the suites. These  are priced at $120, including coach bus transportation. The second seats are located behind home plate in Section 22. The price, including coach transportation, is $91. Departure is from the MTM Center. Payment is due when reservations are made.

For more information on any of the trips, call 207-353-0646 or 207-353-2289.

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