A nation-wide petition is making headlines Monday night, and it’s asking people to allow food stamps to pay for pet food. (WGME)

PORTLAND (WGME) – A nation-wide petition is making headlines Monday night, and it’s asking people to allow food stamps to pay for pet food.

SNAP benefits only cover the cost food for people, not pets, which means people who buy pet food at any pet store are paying out of pocket.

The petition that’s circulating already has more than 89,000 signatures, and if it receives 90,000 signatures it will be presented to the USDA.

Under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, households cannot use food stamps to buy food for animals.

The petition called “Don’t Let Pets Starve” was created on the Care 2 website and states a family’s financial situation can change at any time, and this change could help prevent families from giving up pets. Some argue pets are a luxury, while others say pets are like family members.

Besides pet food, food stamps can’t be used to by household or paper products. The petition is gaining popularity as we speak, whether or not there will be a changes is up in the air.