AUGUSTA (AP) — Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage says drilling for oil in waters off the state’s coast could increase energy independence and provide more heating oil for Mainers.

LePage in a Maine Public interview on Tuesday said the state has recently weathered a cold snap and severe shortages in petroleum products.

President Donald Trump’s administration recently announced it’ll seek to dramatically expand offshore oil and gas exploration. With the exception of Maine, every governor on the Atlantic seaboard or the West Coast has voiced opposition to drilling.

LePage last week moved to halt new wind turbine permits in part because he claims they could impact Maine’s tourism industry.

His office has told the Portland Press Herald that he expects a final drilling plan would exclude areas with environmental sensitivity or tourism value.

In a Friday, Jan. 8, 2016 file photo, Maine Gov. Paul LePage speaks at a news conference at the State House, in Augusta, Maine.