Congratulations to Gov. Paul LePage for introducing a bill to repeal the Expedited Windpower Act, enacted in 2008. It is about time the Legislature repealed that act, which is destroying Maine’s mountains.

The 2008 act was prepared by a top-heavy group of power companies, developers and conservation organizations. There is no mention in their report of preventing damage to the fragile mountains and the surrounding ecosystems.

Those same mountains are the sponges that collect and store water from rain and snow and release it gradually into springs and brooks, which provide clean water for Maine’s rivers and lakes.

Wind power projects destroy those mountains by creating massive roads up the steep slopes, blasting huge holes in the ledges and clear cutting swaths of forest land for transmission lines.

All of that destruction is done under the guise of providing renewable energy for states south of Maine.

The energy may be renewable, but the mountains are not.

I hope that the responsible citizens of Maine will strongly support Gov. LePage’s plan to protect Maine’s mountains forever.

Fred Huntress Jr., Poland Spring