AUGUSTA – On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, American Legion Post 22 will host a Suicide Prevention Information Session at the State House Hall of Flags, located on the corners of Capitol and State Streets in Augusta.

The event will run from 11:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Information as well as community providers will be available to speak with and offer advice to those in need.

The Silhouette Project, a non-profit organization run by Linda Lajoie, a local White Star Mother, will be featured at the event. The Silhouette Project was created as an effort to raise awareness about the suicide risk faced by our Veterans and to spread the word about resources that are available.

The 22 silhouettes represent the number of Veterans whose lives are lost each day to suicide. It is a daunting realization to stand before the 22 full size Maine Veteran silhouettes, each emblazoned with a story of a loved one who has lost their life to suicide.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the thought of suicide, please make it a point to come by and reach out for help. You may also call the Statewide Crisis Line at 1-888-568-1112 to receive help now.