Recently, this nation experienced yet another shooting on school premises. Seventeen young lives were snuffed out — 17 young people who will not attend a prom, go on another date, become Olympic athletes, be business or political leaders, become parents or spouses, lovers, or partners.

It’s been said that now is not the time to act on gun control. It’s been said that these acts are mental health issues, so there is a need for better mental health screening. It’s been said that schools need to be made safer by adding metal detectors, more police officers, arming teachers and teaching gun safety in school. It’s been said that parents need to be more active in parenting. It’s been said that liberals are over-reacting.

How many times have we heard those?

All are a panacea to divert attention away from the faulty logic of many that all types of weaponry be available to whomever can prove themselves worthy. How is that working for us?

The mantra of the gun lobby is “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Maybe, but if military-grade weapons are removed from the equation, it becomes a whole lot more difficult for carnage to ensue.

Now is the time for this nation’s leaders to cast aside the power of the NRA and gun manufacturers and step up to do what is morally right. If elected leaders can’t or won’t, then it is time for the people to step up and take action.

Carl and Joyce Bucciantini, Greene