I am wondering why previous presidents didn’t seem to spend a whole lot of time sending messages on Twitter. It should be against some law for a president to do such a stupid thing. And not all people have access to the internet. Is President Trump afraid to talk to people?

Also, who pays for Trump’s many trips to Florida to play golf? How much vacation time does he get, anyway? I can’t remember another president who did that. I guess he feels the country has no problems, so he can take all that time off.

As far as I can see, he has spent much of his time in office simply undoing everything President Obama did (the rest of his time he spends playing golf). And, he sure complains a lot. First, it was about Hillary Clinton (who should be president), then denying any connection with Russia or claiming that Obama wasn’t a U.S. citizen. Trump manages to blame everyone else if something goes wrong.

America is hated by half the world and the other half doesn’t trust it anymore.

I have read that U.S. military planes and other equipment are in short supply, and that there aren’t enough personnel. I really believe the U.S. is in big trouble and will be until Trump is gone.

Oh, yes — I wonder how much money Trump is going to get from that border wall going up? He sure wants it, really bad.

God help America.

Freeman Lewis, South Paris

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