FARMINGTON — Selectmen voted unanimously Tuesday night to hire Dirigo Engineering of Fairfield to design improvements to Front Street.

The $11,000 award includes $6,500 for topographical survey through final design, $1,500 for contract administration, $2,000 for lighting and $1,000 for a public meeting.

Town Manager Richard Davis said since the company is doing the culvert work on Front Street, it makes sense to continue with it.

“They’ve been very reasonable,” Davis said. “This is a very good deal. It would probably cost $4,000 to $5,000 more for another firm to do it,” Davis said.

“They’re very familiar,” Public Works Director Philip Hutchins said. “The next bidder would be starting from scratch.”

It’s anticipated the work would be completed this construction season.


The proposal calls for sidewalks being built from Franklin Savings Bank to the Farmers’ Union, and continuing the existing sidewalk to Gifford’s parking lot and Main Street. Sidewalks would also be added from Main Street, past the UMF parking lot as far as Depot Street. Painted walkways and sidewalks would also be added in front of the Union buildings and lots on that side.

Selectman Stephan Bunker favored having sidewalks on one side or the other, preferably the McDonald’s side, if money had to be saved.

Davis said it’s a confusing area with plenty of foot traffic on both sides.

Selectman Michael Fogg said if there was a crosswalk, people would cross to walk on the sidewalk.

Davis said safety is a factor when people have to cross.

Selectmen also:


• Approved a contract for Bartlett Builders of Farmington to mow cemeteries for $9,500 a year for the next three years and mow Bjorn Park and the traffic circles for $2,500 per year for the next three years, for a total of $36,000. Shane Bartlett was the sole bidder and has held the contract for the past three years;

• Approved the 2018 annual town meeting warrant; and

• Announced a public auction of 12 foreclosed properties at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, at the Community Center, 127 Middle St.

Farmington selectmen Tuesday night hired Dirigo Engineering of Fairfield to design sidewalks and street lights for Front Street. The proposal calls for sidewalks on both sides from Main Street to the Farmington Farmers’ Union, seen here. (Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser)