FARMINGTON — A sex offender is accused of registering an address with the Farmington Police Department but not living there, according to police.

Ralph O. Metcalf, 39, of Farmington was arrested by Farmington police on Feb. 23, after he told police he didn’t disclose he was living at his girlfriend’s apartment because it could prevent her from getting her child back from state custody, Police Sgt. Edward Hastings IV wrote in an affidavit.

Metcalf, formerly of Jay, pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact with a child under 12 years old in June 2013 and was sentenced in September 2013 to serve five years of a 10-year sentence followed by 12 years of probation. He was barred from having contact with the child and only having supervised contact with children under age 16. He was also required to register for life under the Maine Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.

The state dismissed a charge of gross sexual contact in a plea agreement. 

According to the affidavit, Metcalf is registered as living at 291 High St. Hastings spoke to Metcalf’s landlord, who said Metcalf was only coming by evenings and leaving when everyone goes to bed. The landlord also told police Metcalf had been at the residence for three or four nights since November and his bed was removed Feb. 19 by Rent-A-Center. 

Officer Darin Gilbert and Hastings went to 103 Silver Maple Lane in Farmington where they met Metcalf. He advised he had stayed at the High Street address two nights in the past week.


“Mr. Metcalf admitted he has been slacking,” according to the affidavit. 

“He doesn’t wish to change his sex offender registry address because his girlfriend is trying to get her child back from DHHS and they will likely have an issue with a sex offender residing in the residence,” Hastings wrote.   

Metcalf is being held without bail on a probation violation and $2,500 cash  on the failure to comply charge at the Franklin County Detention Center in Farmington.

Ralph Metcalf (Franklin County Detention Center)