JAY — A public hearing on a proposed $6.18 million budget for 2018-19 will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, March 12, at the Spruce Mountain Middle School cafeteria. The proposal is $55,972 more than the current budget.

After factoring in nearly $1.77 million in revenue, it represents a net budget of $4.4 million that taxpayers will need to raise for municipal government. It is $79,528 less than the current net budget.

The spending plan also includes the final $1.33 million payment to Verso Corp. for a tax over-valuation settlement.

The budget will be decided by voters at the annual town meeting Tuesday, April 24. 

Voters will have two contested races to consider at the polls from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. April 24 for the annual town meeting at the Community Building.

Terry Bergeron is running unopposed for a second, three-year term as first selectperson, assessor and overseer of the Board of Selectpersons. He is chairman of the board.


Keith Cornelio and Tom Goding are vying for a three-year term as second selectperson, assessor and overseer of the poor. Cornelio serves on the board; Goding is a former selectperson.

Michael Morrell, Joel Pike and Michael Schaedler are seeking election to two, three-year terms on the Regional School Unit 73 board of directors. Morrell and Pike serve on the board and Schaedler is a former director.

George Merrill is unchallenged in his bid to be re-elected as a trustee of Jay Village Water District. Roger Couture is running uncontested for another term as a trustee of the North Jay Water District.
