HIGH ENERGYY — The Rowe Elementary School hosted High Energy Performer Jason Tardy on March 5. Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 and students in Kindergarten through grade 3 plus staff members enjoyed Tardy’s performances of “Be Kind and Bullying Education.” Tardy’s performances were described as “action-packed and demonstrated his unique ability ‘to juggle and balance’ many objects in a variety of scenarios.” The performances also informed students and staff members of the importance of having a goal and passion to work towards, to persevere and work through mistakes and challenges, and how to deal with someone who is mean, threatens and continuously bullies. Students are to follow the “No, Go and Tell” procedure, to tell the bully to stop, to walk away and not engage with the bully, and immediately go tell either a school staff member, a school counselor, a school principal and their parent(s,) said Principal Dan Hart. The program was provided thanks to the Rowe Elementary Parent/Teacher Organization.
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