FRYEBURG — Fryeburg Academy inducted 33 new inductees to the B.W. Tinker Chapter, National Honor Society, on March 14. Membership in the National Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student.

The B.W. Tinker Chapter works to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers and the community. And the chapter, along with the more than 15,000 chapters in schools across the nation, strive to give practical meaning to the society’s standards of scholarship, leadership, service and character selection. Students are not inducted because of a high academic average, but rather recognized for excelling in all of these areas.

The 2018 inductees are as follows:

Seniors: Zherui (Ricky) Cui, Yaru Gong, Mckenzie Huppe, Ching-wen (Winnie) Kung, Eiligh Orff, Nathaniel (Will) Perkins, Hongzhuo (Harry) Yan, Zhaoyang (Tommy) Yan, Tongtong (Crystal) Zhang.

Juniors: Chik Huen (Edwin) Au Young, Trinh Lan (Kate) Bui, Sophie Federspieler, Camelia Ghadfa, Brooke Juneau, Jiawen (Jack) Liu, David Marshall, Silvia Sanchez Serra, Malina Voter, Ziyang (Zach) Zhang.

Sophomore: Gwendolyn Boros, Merys Carty, Kaylee Emery, Katherine Flynn, Abigail Hewes, Sinead Lounsbury, Tianyi (Arvin) Ma, Patrick Maila, Madison McIntyre, Alexis Parker, Katherine Trumbull, Julia Vitella, Kirsten Wentworth, Abigail Winterbottom.


Students inducted into the NHS from left are Yizhou (Joyce) Wang ’19, Gayun (Kayla) Koo ’18, and Yu Chieh (Jennifer) Huang ‘18.

From left, Tina LeBlanc ’19, Spencer Thomas ’18, Caroline Condon ’19 and Grace Quinn ’19 were inducted in the NHS.

New NHS members, from left, are Gunnar Gurnis ’19, Caleb Eklund ’18 and Heather Howard ’18.

Junting (Edison) Liu ’18 and George Ye ’18 have been inducted into the NHS.

From left, Mya Harris ’18 and River Lusky ’19, have been inducted into the NHS.