Saturday morning is usually my time to sit quietly and read the newspaper. Not so much March 17. Tears came to my eyes as I read about the response to the Holocaust play being put on by a community theater group in Falmouth.

Where did so much hate come from? To read that there had been 11 hate calls makes me question what is happening in this country.

How can someone say the Holocaust never happened?

If someone doesn’t want to see the play, they don’t have to, but to refer to it saying, “I don’t want to see a play about those ***** Jews” is absolutely cruel and ignorant.

Since the 2016 election, the incidences of hate crimes and the rise of white supremacy is sickening and quite scary. I grew up in a small community (Lisbon Falls) where there was an extremely mixed culture. We all got along. We didn’t call anyone names. We didn’t hate our neighbors because they were Jewish, German, French, Irish or people of color.

Almost everyone on this Earth came from immigrants. I would like to see people who hate everyone have their own DNA done and see where they came from.

I just watched the movie “Wonder.” It should be shown to all elementary school students to make them think about what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes.

It is time we started teaching children to love one another, not hate someone because they are from a different culture.

Virginia Starbird, Leeds

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