LEWISTON — Mitch Thomas, executive director at the Gendron Franco Center, and Bert Dutil, bus trip leader, will lead a group on a maple sugar day trip to Quebec on Saturday, April 14. The “Cabane a Sucre” in Lac-Megantic will be the destination. As an added feature, local Quebec musicians will provide entertainment during the meal at Cabane a Sucre.

There are a few seats still available on the bus. The public is invited to join those already signed up. Departure by bus from the Gendron Franco Center will be at 6:45 a.m., and a continental breakfast will be offered, starting at 6:15. Return time is expected to be by 7 p.m. the same day. There will be a brief stop for shopping before returning to Maine.

The cost of the trip, which includes transportation and the noon home-cooked meal at the Cabane a Sucre, is $70 a person. A valid U.S. passport is needed for travel to Canada. A meal, live music by local artists, bus fare and the cost of all-day parking are included with each ticket.

To reserve and pay for a spot on the trip, call or visit the Franco Center at 46 Cedar St., call 207-783-1585 or email boxoffice@francocenter.org. Space is limited.

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