RANGELEY — The town has contracted Wright-Pierce engineering firm to complete a downtown revitalization plan for Rangeley and Oquossoc village.

On March 6, Wright-Pierce met with the Rangeley Region Economic Opportunity Committee to begin the planning phase, according to a written statement from the town.

Firm representatives will also meet with selectmen, gather base mapping and background documents, and develop a survey for residents and business owners. After developing concept plans, they will hold a public workshop from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, and develop a final concept plan.

The process is expected to take six to nine months, with a goal to present the final plan in November. During this time Rangeley economic development consultant Darryl Sterling will work with Wright-Pierce to identify funding options associated with the recommended goals.

For more information or to get involved, contact the Town Office.

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