JAY — Selectpersons voted Monday to award four tax-acquired properties to the highest bidders. 

The town received 35 sealed bids, which were opened at the meeting. The accepted bids totaled more than $41,000, not factoring town’s expenses, including legal fees, advertising, taxes or sewer fees.

The town foreclosed on the properties Jan. 29 and gave the owners an additional 30 days to pay back taxes and/or sewer fees. 

There were 11 bids for a 40-acre lot off Plaisted Road. The town set the minimum bid at $2,000. The bids ranged from $2,350 to $9,120. Caleb Dionne of Farmington was the high bidder.

Nine bids were received for a 23-acre lot off Route 4. Bids ranged from $2,878 to $7,100. Jason Lucarelli of Jay was awarded the property. The minimum bid was set at $2,700.

A house and lot at 4 Church St. went to Matt Knowlton, whose hometown was not readily available. He bid $9,001. Eight bids were received for the property that began at $510. The town set the minimum bid at $6,000.

An apartment building at 13 Jewell St. went for $16,251 to Thomas Harville of Skowhegan. The seven bids received started at $8,037.54. The minimum bid was set at $11,000.

Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said previously that the town clerk had spoken to the owner and the mortgage holder on the Jewell Street property and neither had any interest in paying the taxes and/or sewer fees.
