NORWAY — The first ColorTheSky! kite-flying outing last weekend was a success, event creator Terry Robinson said.

Several people with various skill levels joined Robinson on a privately-owned hilltop field in Norway on Saturday. The sky was filled with “dragons, diamonds and deltas,” Robinson said.

“One flyer said this can become an obsession,” she said. “But a good one to have!”

Robinson said several organizations have contacted her about creating more events and workshops on kite-flying, and she’s excited to see her vision expand.

“It’s all about excitement, getting fresh air and sunshine, and feeling your spirits soar up there, right along with the colorful kites,” she said.

Anyone interested in joining Robinson can call or text 207-890-5207, or email to be put on the list for notification Friday evening on times and locations.

Participants fly kites at the first ColorTheSky! event in Norway on Saturday. It was organized by Terry Robinson. (Terry Robinson photo)

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