NORWAY — Oxford Hills SCORE recently awarded 25 Years of Service certificates to Harry Burns and Keith Willoughby.

Burns joined the Rumford SCORE chapter in March 1993 and served as one of only three chapter chairmen. He has continued to be a mentor to Rumford residents since that chapter office with Oxford Hills in 2014. He makes the trip to Norway every month to attend the SCORE monthly meetings and continues to keep his certification as a mentor updated.

Willoughby, a resident of Norway, joined SCORE as a mentor in 1989. During his tenure, he served as chapter chairman and led several task forces. He is most proud of being associated with the initiative to bring a veterans home to western Maine. He moved to emeritus status in 2014 after many years of mentoring individuals starting their own businesses, as well as with existing businesses working to enhance their products or services.

Recognizing Harry Burns (seated) are, from left: John Huffman, acting chapter chair; Ben Tucker of Sen. Angus King’s office; Carlene Trembly from Sen. Susan Collins’ office; Karen Staples from Rep. Bruce Poliquin’s office; Diane Jackson of the Maine Department of Economic and Commmunity Development, representing Gov. LePage’s office; and Bill Card of the Small Business Administration. Also present but not in the photo was Maine SCORE District Director Steve Veazey.