NEW PORTLAND — The Western Mountains Baptist Church will host a Ladies Spring Brunch at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 21, when the guest speaker will be Cathy Ramey. Her topic will be “Building God’s Kingdom vs. Our Own.”

Ramey pursued an education in medicine in Houston, completing her residency in family practice. She met and married her husband, Gary, between her first and second year of medical school. The Rameys lived and raised their son and daughter in Houston.

Ramey has served in various ministries throughout her life, including prison literacy programs, teaching Sunday school (with her whole family at an inner city housing project) and writing Bible studies.

At age 40, God called her and her husband into full-time ministry as missionaries in Latvia, where they served alongside their Russian brothers and sisters to make the good news of Jesus Christ known. In 2015, they moved back to the states and made their home in Standish, where their son was a pastor. They now live in the Bangor area and both work in local high schools.

Those attending are invited to bring a friend and a dish to share.

For more information, call Pat Sanders at 207-265-4164 or email

Attendees during a Women’s Ministry meeting at the Western Mountains Baptist Church are pictured: Tammy Dunphy, Shelly Zoebisch, Pat Sanders, Kathy McClure, Doris Stone, Nicole Fletcher, BJ Smith, Nicole Dereszynski, Priscilla Hinkley, Debbie Hinkley and Pat Pray.