JAY — Selectperson Keith Cornelio and former Selectperson Thomas Goding will vie for the second selectperson’s seat during balloting this month.

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 24, at the Community Building.

Both candidates responded to two questions.

Q: With the final tax-settlement payment to Verso Corp. factored into the proposed budget, would you consider re-evaluating staff positions that were cut to determine if they should be restored in the 2019-20 budget?

Cornelio: “I certainly would consider re-evaluating any positions that were previously cut, but not just for the sole reason that we are making our last payment to Verso Corp. Many people in this town were expressing concern about the rising taxes even before we had to pay back the $3.9 (million) to Verso. Having the $1.3 million payback gone will certainly help, but due to the lower valuation of the mill, we are still looking at a loss of revenue. We need to look at each year’s budget in terms of the effect on the tax rate. My objective would be to achieve a reasonable tax rate while maintaining the necessary services for the size town that we are.”

Goding: “No, I believe that the hard decisions have been made. Now is the time to stick with them.We should be striving toward getting the people of Jay’s taxes down where they belong and saving for the future.”


Q: Why are you seeking re-election?

Goding: “So that I can ensure taxes are brought down to the most reasonable amount possible for the taxpayers of the town of Jay.”

Cornelio: “It definitely has been an interesting and trying time with the loss of valuation, the payback to Verso and trying to keep expenses in line with those sudden parameters. I feel that going forward we have many opportunities that I can contribute to.”


Keith Cornelio (Submitted photo)

Thomas Goding (File photo)

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