NORWAY — The sixth annual Children’s Theater Workshop is busy preparing for its performance of John Jacobson and Mac Huff’s musical, “Summer Camp.” The public is invited to a free performance at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 28, at the Second Congregational Church, U.C.C., 205 Main St. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m.

In this musical, the audience will be welcomed to Camp Run-A-Muk, a comic and wacky summer camp. The play offers everything kids love and fear about summer camp: the morning routine, bugs on parade, a bear and corny camp skits. It is a must-see for all ages and all future and former campers.

The production is directed by Shirli Allen Heald and production assistance is provided by Sharon Hollowell, Jean Saunders and Kate Wood. Ed Baldridge accompanies on piano.

A light reception will follow the production and donation baskets will be available for those who wish to support the Children’s Theater Workshop.

Pictured left to right are, seated: Nick Clough, Sara Davis. Standing: Riley Pulkkinen, Skye Hebert, Ella Tilsley, Faith Olson, AddieHarthorne, Samantha McPhail, Joel Deane, Abi Clark. Absent: Lacey Tilsley, Bea Stranskov, Emmett Harthone, Blake Wilson. (Photo by Shirli Allen Heald)