During the Democratic governor’s debate recently, I was glad to hear the candidates discuss the need for a governor who will stand up for working families.

For me, it is a no-brainer — Mark Eves is the best. I served in the Legislature with both him and Janet Mills and only Eves was a consistent vote for working Mainers.

Mills tried to get around her record on the minimum wage, for example. I was there. In 2006, she was one of only three Democrats who voted against a minimum wage of $7. Eves voted to raise wages four different times in his eight years in the Legislature, even sponsoring wage increases.

As governor, Eves will lead on single-payer health care, fully funding schools and standing up to the wealthy interests who have controlled politics for too long.

I hope others will join me in voting for Mark Eves.

John Patrick, Rumford

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