Buckfield Board of Selectmen

May 1, 2018

Buckfield Municipal Center


Bid approved  

What happened: Selectmen accepted the lowest bid for the engineering work for the Shedd Hollow Road bridge replacement.


What it means: The $17,600 bid from Main-Land Development Consultants of Livermore Falls was significantly less than the other three, Town Manager Joe Roach said. The design has two parts, the crossing and the roadway. The culvert bridge that crosses Darnit Brook washed out in a storm in October 2017 and roughly $145,000 in grants have been secured for the project.

What’s next: The town is waiting to hear from Federal Emergency Management Agency officials on whether it will pay roughly $65,000 toward the cost.

Public Works employees

What happened: Town Manager Joe Roach announced he hired Danny McAlister as a full-time laborer for the Public Works Department. McAlister worked for the department part time this winter.

What it means: The former foreman and another laborer resigned from the Public Works Department recently. Roach also made an offer to another candidate to fill a second laborer position.

What’s next: Roach will review the foreman’s job description and bring it to selectmen for their review before advertising the position.



What happened: Selectmen held a hearing on an automobile graveyard permit application and tabled voting on it until their next meeting because they’re waiting on a report from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

What it means: The application is for Richard Dobson of Town Line Road. The graveyard, which would take up two acres, is in Buckfield but the garage he will process the cars in to sell for parts is in Hartford. He does not intend to store the vehicles onsite for long and will send them to the junkyard once he’s finished with them, which put some neighbors’ worries at ease. Roach said the DEP didn’t have any concerns at the site visit last week, but the report has not arrived yet.

What’s next: Selectmen will revisit the permit application at their next meeting on Tuesday, May 15, at the Municipal Center, 34 Turner St.

Budget meeting  

What happened: Selectmen held another joint meeting with the Budget Committee to discuss the proposed 2018-19 municipal budget, which now stands at $1.86 million. That’s roughly $131,000 more than this fiscal year.


What it means: They heard from members of the Recreation Committee, who said their goal is to no longer require taxpayer money to fund their programs. They plan to hold fundraisers, offer sponsorships and ask for dues. Potential increases in the budget include field maintenance and fundraising investments. Roach suggested looking at a contract for the proposed new position in the Fire Department for daytime coverage and administrative duties. He has cut $60,400 from the budget, including a new truck for the Public Works Department. If the budget is approved, the tax rate would be $24.52 per $1,000 of assessed property value.

What’s next: Selectmen and the Budget Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 8, at the Municipal Center.

Charging station proposal

What happened: Roach said Norway’s Center for an Ecology-Based Economy’s wants to install an electric vehicle charging station at the Municipal Center.

What it means: CEBE would pay for installation, signs and striping on the asphalt. The town would pay for the electricity, which would average between $10 and $15 a month, and a donations box could be set up on the charger’s post to offset the cost.

What’s next: Representatives from CEBE will give a presentation to selectmen at a future meeting.


Spring cleanup

What happened: Resident Donna Grant and Paris Selectman John Andrews, who is running for state representative for District 73, announced they organized a spring cleanup day.

What it means: The volunteer event will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 12, at the park and ride on the banks of the Nezinscot River, next to the Post Office on Turner Street.


What happened: Selectmen issued a Silver Star Banner Day Proclamation to honor the sacrifices for the men and women of the armed forces, who were wounded or became ill, on Silver Star Banner Day, May 1.


What happened: Selectmen appointed Robert Downey and Peter Werwath to the Road Committee for one year and two years, respectively.


What happened: Selectmen accepted the resignation, with regret, of Colleen Halse from the Budget Committee. She started a new job and can no longer serve.