LISBON FALLS — American Civil War scholar, historian and living-history performer Charles Plummer will be the featured speaker at the Wednesday, May 9, meeting of the Lisbon Historical Society. He will talk on “The History and Ritual of the Grand Army of the Republic.” That fraternal organization was established for Union veterans shortly after the Civil War ended.

The GAR came to have almost 8,000 posts and almost 500,000 members, five of whom served as presidents of the United States: Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Harrison and McKinley. Only one woman was admitted into membership: Sarah Emma Edmunds, who disguised herself as a man named Franklin Thompson and served with the 2nd Michigan Regiment. Plummer will tell about some of her experiences during the war.

The GAR was based on three principles: fraternity, charity, and loyalty. The two founders of the GAR were members of the Masonic Fraternity, and the ritual for the initiation of a new member was patterned after the Masonic ritual. Plummer has a copy of the ritual that he will share.

Plummer will also tell about several GAR posts that were located in Androscoggin County, one of which was Berry Post 10 in Lisbon.

The program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

Doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and the program will begin at 7. Parking and entrance are at the rear of the MTM building, 18 School St.

For more information, call 207-353-8510 or