LEWISTON — The USM LAC Senior College Food for Thought Luncheon will feature guest speaker Shelley Kruszewski, executive director of the Androscoggin Land Trust (ALT), on Friday, May 11.

ALT is a private, nonprofit, membership supported organization with headquarters in Auburn. Founded in 1989, it currently protects over 5,000 acres, including 10 miles of the Androscoggin riverfront between Lisbon and Jay.

Volunteers help create and maintain trails. They organize paddling events, snowshoeing and habitat education hikes. They even teach kids how to fish in downtown LA.

Kruszewski joined ALT in August of 2016. She has a master’s degree in community planning and development with a focus on land ise and the environment. She worked as a graduate assistant at the Association of State Wetland Managers, as an outreach intern for ReTreeUS and spent time leading tours at a butterfly garden that included a leaf cutter ant colony and many other insects.

Kruszewski also previously worked for several years in the legal field and in a school admission office, where she coached a high school sports team. She enjoys exploring the outdoors, especially near any source of water. Born and raised in Maine, Kruszewski lives in Auburn with her husband.

Those attending are invited to bring questions, concerns and enthusiasm and find out more about ALT. The public is welcome.

Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and the program will begin at noon. Food for Thought luncheons take place in Room 170 at USM’s Lewiston-Auburn campus, 50 Westminster St.

Lunch cost is $8 and an advanced reservation is required. To reserve, call 207-753-6510 before noon Wednesday, May 9. Food may also be purchased at the campus cafeteria.