Produced by Dennis Camire

This week’s poem is by a former editor of The Beloit Poetry Journal, John Rosenwald of Farmington.


Almost Dawn

By John Rosenwald


Kids and grandkids still

sleeping. I rise, go down


to the dock, dive into the

almost dark.


A slight squawk. “Ducks,”

I think, when, suddenly,

neck stretched, legs trailing,


so close I could touch,

a great blue heron,

wings wide, blesses me,

lands, stands

as I stand, sometimes,

looking down, looking out,


still, waiting.


As I round the raft, returning

to shore, ready for daybreak,

reluctant to rouse the still

creatures, I see only


rocks, shoreline, bushes with

blueberries, ripe for picking.


Dennis Camire can be reached at