PARIS — Swingin’ Bears Square Dance Club of South Paris installed officers May 2 at the Oxford Hills Middle School cafeteria on Pine Street.

They are: Co-Presidents Dick and Joan Deans of Hebron, Vice President Melody Cox of Bryant Pond, Secretary Chandler Wright of Greenwood, and Treasurer Esther Tucker of Poland.

Ray Hilton, teacher and club caller, officiated.

Directors elected May 16 were Bob and Eleanor Herrick of Auburn, immediate past presidents; Wally Vickerson and Carol of West Paris; and Pam Durgin of South Paris.

Tonia Stanton of Harrison received a certificate for completing the square dance calls to become a mainstream dancer and was presented a club badge.

Carol Belkis was presented an angel pin to attach to her club badge for assisting beginners for two class semesters.


The club’s ice cream social dance will take place Saturday, July 14, at the school cafeteria. Ray Hilton will call for the square dancing and Carol Arsenault will cue for the round dancing. All square dancers are welcome to attend.

New officers of the Swinin’ Bears Square Dance Club of South Paris are, from left, Treasurer Esther Tucker of Poland, teen member MacKenzie Wardsworth standing in for Secretary Chandler Wright of Greenwood, Vice President Melody Cox of Bryant Pond, and Co-Presidents Joan and Dick Deans of Hebron.


Tonia Stanton of Harrison receives a certificate to become a mainstream dancer from Ray Hilton, caller for the Swinin’ Bears Square Dance Club in South Paris.

Joan Deans gives an acceptance speech as Bob and Eleanor Herrick prepare to hand over the gavel.