FARMINGTON — Farmington Public Library has announced that its assistant director, Elena Kohout, is the winner of a quilted Elkon Silhouette wall hanging created by Sally Rowe. The hanging was part of a quilt display at the library.

Artists Anstiss Morrill and Matiana Glass will display their paintings at the Farmington Public Library during the months of June and July.

Anstiss Morrill has been painting for many years. She says watercolor gives her a feeling spontaneity which lets her fancy take hold. Matiana Glass also works in watercolor and paints scenes in and around Maine as well as still life images.

Each artist is donating a piece to be raffled at the end of July. Raffle tickets are $1 each or $5 for 10. Winners will be notified by phone. The meet and greet with the artists will take place from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 2. Refreshments will be served.

Sally Rowe holds the quilted Elkon Silhouette wall hanging she created, which was raffled as part of the quilt display at the Farmington Public Library.