Questions at the 17-month mark of Trump’s White House ego trip:

If he’s sure that Robert Mueller is on a “witch hunt” and that neither he nor his campaign colluded or obstructed justice, why doesn’t he just be quiet and let the investigation unfold?

As commander-in-chief, how does believing Putin’s no-meddling claim, then denigrating his own intelligence and law enforcement agencies protect national security?

With just one formal press conference (Obama had more than a dozen at this stage of his presidency), what is he afraid of — answering to the American public and not just Fox viewers?

If this were 1939 (well before the Holocaust), would Trump praise Hitler and Mussolini the way he now praises brutal strongmen in the Philippines, Egypt and Turkey?

Tensions are ratcheting up with Europe and Canada over trade, climate change and the Iran nuclear deal, threatening one of the most successful alliances in history. Is that what Trump meant by “America First?”


How would he respond to this comment in an op-ed by former CIA director John Brennan? “Mr. Trump … has shown highly abnormal behavior by lying routinely to the American people without compunction, intentionally fueling divisions in our country, and actively working to degrade the imperfect but critical institutions that serve us.”

Indeed, does Trump take such apparent pleasure in attacking the FBI and Justice Department because they can’t fight back, at least not publicly?

Why hasn’t he thrown out the first pitch at two Washington Nationals’ openers? Is he afraid of being booed?

Dave Griffiths, Mechanic Falls